Thursday, June 07, 2007

Mini Post

Just about to leave for the house of grease... but I have a little message directed to people in general, but someone in particular. Forgive the 1st person/2nd person switches... there is a reason for it.

Initially, Daydream Believer and the flesh-and-blood person sitting at the keyboard typing this were two entirely different entities. It was a clever safety feature. However, as time goes by, this becomes less and less true. Daydream Believer and her tangible counterpart are becoming with each passing day more like the single individual they were long before this was begun. If you don't know who I am, there's a reason for it. If you do know who I am, please don't tell anyone, should they ask.

On a lighter note, friends are pretty awesome things. But it's one of those things that you can only really appreciate from the outside. You never know from the first person, or second person, you have to see it from the outside to get it. Friendship can take different forms, but the bare bones are the same.

Sunset sailing on April skies,
Bloodshot fireclouds in her eyes,
I can't say what I might believe.

Keep Dreaming
Daydream Believer

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