Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On Bread Alone

Considering my utter lack of aspirations in that direction, I'm a fucking domestic goddess. I probably got it from my mom, kitchen maven and PTA parent extraordinaire. I clean when I'm freaked out, I find washing dishes oddly soothing, I love to cook, even if I'm usually not motivated to do it for myself, and today I baked bread. That's right, bread, not brownies, cookies, cake, pie, or any other sugary confection. Bread, sustaining, simple, wholesome bread. At least it has cheese on it.

Some people say that a person can't live on bread alone. I'm kind of banking on it, in fact, considering my prospective career choices. But sometimes you need bread too. And it's even better when you bake it yourself.

Daydream Believer

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