Man are these claws ever a pain in the butt.
I didn't get very much sleep last night... more accurately this morning, having seen the first creeping bits of daylight before retiring at around 4 am.
I feel kind of drained... I have high hopes for next week though. It'll be a different crowd, a different atmosphere.
Anyways, I'm friggin tired, so this is it for now. I should probably have more to say, given the events of yesterday evening/this morning, but I'm too tired to examine or analyze, so this'll have to do for now.
An Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
May the rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
How someone finds that depressing is totally beyond my comprehension... but that's beside the point... as is the whole "we stand on God" thing.
Keep Dreaming
Daydream Believer
I hope you had fun last night/this morning! I'm sure I'll hear all about it tomorrow =)
je m'excuse pour les erreurs que j'ai fait de ma part. Je voulais seulement qu tu aie du plaisir. La semaine prochaine tu vas avoir plus de plaisir, peut-ĂȘtre moi aussi avec.
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