Sunday, December 16, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Anyone who talks to me regularly knows already about my love/hate affair with being alone. Why, you may ask, is this relevant now? Because as beautiful as this city is, it isn't much good to me without the usual suspects popping up. And since we're currently in the throes of the generic, politically correct, non-denominational, holiday season that happens to take place between the end of November and the middle of January, (also known around here as "Winter Solstice", said in a nasal voice) everyone who doesn't have to be here has gone home. So that leaves me mostly alone on a usually bustling piece of real estate until Thursday. And on Wednesday they stop feeding me.

So yeah... on the bright side, peace, quiet and sleep before heading home for a decidedly unrestful holiday, because that's how these things work. On the not so bright side, not a whole lot of talking, and even fewer interesting shenanigans. Because lately I've been taking part in some interesting shenanigans, however I'm seldom the author of these plans, and the ones who are, are all eating real food as I'm writing this, making me extremely jealous.

And having not seen them in almost two months, I'm about to spend nearly three weeks with the four people on this planet most willing and able to make me cry. Not to mention I'm going to be a person in less than a week. I'm quite looking forward to it, to be honest. Sovereignty over my own person. Sweet!

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, I've just been preoccupied. Who would have thought that this change would make me so unbelievably happy, and that I'd really come into my own... oh wait. I did.

Everyone deserves a chance to fly.

Keep dreaming, you never know when you'll get a chance to make them come true.
Daydream Believer

1 comment:

Scarlet Gypsy said...


YOU LIED TO US!!!?!?!?!!