Thursday, August 05, 2010

Boredom-Fuelled Agitation

I'm bored. Yep, that's right. Somehow working twice a week and seeing my friends once in a blue moon just isn't enough for me anymore. Shucks. I guess I'll have to get a hobby, having already nearly exhausted my mother's collection of 1 hour TV dramas on DVD, bookmarked more recipes I can't wait to try than I'll get through in a month of Sundays, begun crocheting an afghan (which is a blanket, for anyone who doesn't know, and it will be fabulous once it's done) taken up learning Japanese again, and created an ever-increasing list of books, blogs, news articles, and serial web comics to read and/or catch up on. I'm still bored.

I don't suffer from a lack of tasks, to-do list items to cross off, things to occupy my hands, mind, or eyes. I suffer from a lack of social interaction, which is caused by a variety of things. One, my job (cleaning bathrooms, if you weren't aware) isn't exactly the most social of professions, particularly since I spend the bulk of my day inside women's washrooms and change rooms, where my coworkers (generally all make except me) can't go. Two, being a cosmopolitan and worldly global citizen, having lived and studied in a number of cities across three countries and two continents, where I am and where my friends are don't tend to coincide. I'm all for Skype, MSN, Yahoo, e-mail, cell phones, blackberries, portable internet, netbooks, which are all supposed to make it easier to connect with the people around you, or perhaps more accurately, not around you. There's only so much it can do though, really. I can log in and wait for the friend I haven't seen in ages to do the same, but there's always the outside possibility of them actually having a life, an occupation, friends in a similar locality that they might be hanging out with outside the vicinity of their computer. And I'm still stuck sitting here waiting.

Keep Dreaming

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