Monday, February 19, 2007

And All She Wants To Do Is Dance

Alright, so if anyone knows where I can get the soundtrack to Dirty Dancing Havana Nights, please tell me with all speed... and if anyone's interested in packing up their stuff and moving somewhere warm with me for a couple of months or so, please contact me ASAP. :P

Nah, I couldn't leave the winter. In any case, on a slightly less googly-eyed note, the future is a bitch, man. A few rather strange things collided recently, and I'm still not sure where all the bits are going to land. On the one hand there's this person I haven't spoken to in awhile, and would have been quite tickled pink never to have to deal with again, but I guess that wasn't about to happen. He reminded me of a time when I thought I was happy but really wasn't. His brother still gives me dirty looks. On another note entirely, I might be teetering on the brink of a gigantic loss, and although the prospect terrifies me, I recently came to a realization. I am going to be okay. Even if it's going to be over. Sure, hearing those words hurt, and if that's how it's going to turn out, I'm going to be sad for a long time. But not forever.

I want to dance. I'm mad, and scared, and ecstatic and exhausted, and all I want to do right now is dance. I want to make this all go away. If this is how it's going to turn out, I have to think of it as the removal of one more binding tie, as freedoom, as becoming more myself. That's all I can do.

Daydream Believer

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