Sunday, February 18, 2007

Baila En La Calle De Nocha

There's not a whole lot I can do about it now, I guess. Bugger.

I suppose I've always been a dreamer, as much as I've always denied it, even to myself. I've always had dreams, and although their direction might have changed from day to day, they were always there. Lately I've been having some dream issues, if you will. It seems that every time I make up my mind, something changes and all of a sudden it just isn't in the cards anymore.

It's about being exactly who you want to be in that moment.

What a weekend. Every now and then a piece of art comes along and just muddles the world up. I can't say it was a great time for the world to get muddled up. I can't help but feel a little bit heartsick after all that. I guess I've always been a softy after all. I refuse to believe that that's the end of the story. I stopped finding anything useful in fairy tales a long time ago, which I guess is why these halfway fairy tales have such an appeal for me. Of course, I can't leave well enough alone, I've never been able to. Everyone's got a little OCD going for them. I have to wonder about where they came from, and where they're going. It's a compulsion, and not an unwelcome one. I suppose everyone dreams of having a fairy tale come true for them. Precious few ever experience it. Apparently you can miss something you never had.

All in all, it was a good weekend.
Back to the daily grind tomorrow,
Daydream Believer

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