Monday, May 07, 2007

There's No Business Like Show Business

So I heard the cries of "Update! Update!" and I do have a legitimate explanation for it... for some reason unbeknownst to me my computer just doesn' t want to run blogger anymore... so I found a way around it, as I usually try to do.

Plus, lately, I've been crazy busy.

I've never wanted to punch that particular person in the face nearly so much before, and maybe the next time I'm told I'm lying when I say I'm ok, I will. I guess I've never taken kindly to being called a whore.

Speaking of people I wanted to punch in the face lately... sometimes people just get under your skin for no reason. Not because they're trying to, they just happen to do it. And God only knows that sometimesthat makes it just as bad, if not worse.

Speaking of people I've wanted to puch in the face lately, my boss is not among that number. I know, it comes as a shock to my system as well. Maybe I'm not giving the guy quite enough credit. He gave me the time off I needed, without a fuss or a fight. I'm impressed. Maybe I finally have a little pull after all. God knows I've been there long enough.

I knew I should have gone with my gut and held on to the damn memory stick.

I had a lot of things to say in the last little while... now all of a sudden, they're kind of gone. That's ok, I'm sure they'll come back.

Keep Dreaming
Daydream Believer

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